Illustrated Children's Stories

Boy Sitting on the Floor Reading Vector Illustration
Boy and girl reading storybook
Cute Lined Studying Children Taking Notes

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This is a story about a little girl named Andrea.his text

She has blue eyes that sparkle like the summer sky and golden curls that danced with every step she took.

Andrea finds a golden feather that leads her on a magical adventure.

she meets many magical creatures who take her on an adventure into a dark forest.

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One day while going through and old chest in the attic, Stephen found an old pocket watch.

Engraved on the watch were the words "Time travelers freind".

When he wound up the watch, a portal appeared and he bravely stepped through it.

Stephen found himself in his old neighborhood and quickly looked for his dad.

They began a great adventure that would last a lifetime.




I have always enjoyed telling stores to my children when they were young and growing up. I had this great childhood that was full of fun and adventure. My friends and myself went on countless adventures together. We managed to survive and live on to tell the tales later. The stories here are part fiction and part fact. Now I write more stores for my grandchildren. I want to share them with you. Read my stories to your children and grandchildren. They will be loved by all.

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